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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Google Glass: An Evolutionary Leap

We started with the wheels and continued with the never ending journey of inventions. Technological leaps have altered the ways of lives in the past and will be altering the ways in future for mankind. One such leap, I believe, is Google Glass. A device that gives access to the whole world has now climbed from the palm of our hand to the scope of our eyes. The Heads-up Display (HUD) of Google Glass unfolds a great many possibilities to ease up the use of multitasking devices that connects to the world through World Wide Web. 


One of the biggest questions that the glass raises is whether it’s going to take away the little time we are left with to interact with the physical world, given a constant presence of virtual screen right in front of our eyes with Google Glass on. I must say that is a question of big debate. Having said that, I must also emphasize the fact that, Google Glass is seemingly meant to aid human beings with technology. Google Glass developer principle says, “Glass is designed to be there when you need it and out of the way when you don't”. The Glass, as they say, allows you to see the natural world by placing everything above the natural sightline of eyes and only engages in the natural sight zone when you want them to.

Following are some of the cool features that Google Glass has to offer:

1. The Glass also offers the convenience to interact with people and your loved ones while you are in the middle of some work. Just reply to a message from your loved one verbally. Once you have stopped talking the message will be sent automatically. This is how you will be multitasking with utter ease and without getting much distracted from the work at your hand.

2. The glass can be invoked by voice command “Ok Glass” or by tapping the touchpad. The home screen shows time. The Graphical Interface is represented in rows of cards to the left and right side of the home screen. Everything of past (photos, videos etc.) is on the right side of the Glass' home screen and everything that is important in near future (like weather forecast, flight schedule, reminder etc) is to the left of the home screen. All you need to do is tap and swipe over the touch pad to control it and scroll through the timeline of events.

3. The glass leaves you completely hands free while doing the stuffs. You don’t need anyone to point the camera while you are holding your kids with both hands. The Glass can take a picture while your hands are busy holding your loved ones. All you need to do is voice a command to the glass – “take a picture”.

4. Want to send your favorite recipe to your friend? Just command the glass to record while you are cooking. The glass will record what you see. Everything happens hands free with Google Glass.

5. You can send images to your friend and also share what you see live. Well, you can make your grandma proud by sharing the visual from mountain top where she might not be able to go. Isn’t it cool?
6. With integrated Google Map, you can use the GPS navigation to help Glass direct you the path. The glass identifies the roads and street and thereby directs the path right in front of your eyes.

7. Ask Glass a question and you will get the answer before you know. 

8. The Glass can also help you in translating your voice to almost all important languages around the world.

9. Another feature that characterizes the revolutionary device is its ability to anticipate the information one needs and provide that relevant information at right place and right time. Google has been working on developing software that can collect the necessary data to understand your needs and requirements and thereby assist you with the right information at right place and right time. Think of a scenario where you are rushing for the flight. Google Glass, having the information about your flight, can prompt you the necessary details of the flight right in front of your eyes without you even asking for them. It definitely will save your time because every second is important when you rush in the final hours.

With so much to offer, Google Glass seems to have the potential to change the way people will interact in near future. The glass is a technology with style and convenience and surely offers ample of promises beyond our expectations.

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